Entry Criteria

Entrants for this award can be nominated or self-nominated. This award is designed to highlight and recognize an employee whose work has contributed significantly to the success of the company. This will include their individual performance, their ability to lead and set standards within their team and their ability to come up with new ideas and find solutions. Judges will be looking for evidence of their accomplishments and how these have impacted on the company, their colleagues, and the wider community.

Guidelines for Submission

Please ensure that you answer all questions. You should aim to write no more than 1500 words in total. You may attach a maximum of two pieces of supplementary evidence (such as photographs) to your submission.

    Company Details

    Rules of Entry
    1. All entries are free and must be received by the stated deadline.
    2. Once a candidate has been announced as a finalist, it cannot withdraw from the competition.
    3. All information supplied by entrants will be treated in the strictest confidence, with all judges obliged to sign non- disclosure agreements.
    4. The person’s whose name is on the entry form as “Contact Name” will be the permanent contact throughout the course of the awards program, and will receive all correspondence, including receipt-of-entry and winning-entry acknowledgements.
    5. If it is found that any entrant has knowingly provided false information on their application for their entry, the organiser reserves the right to withdraw any entry at any time submitted by that organisation.
    6. The award winners will be announced at the gala dinner taking place on 10th October 2024. Winners may be requested to participate in post event publicity.
    7. The decisions of the judges will be final and will not be subject to any appeal. All entrants must agree to be bound by them.
    8. By entering or agreeing to participate in these awards all entrants agree to the above terms and conditions.