I am pleased to share with you the results of our first quarterly survey of 2022. I would like to thank those members who took the time to complete the survey.
For your copy of the full breakdown please email mary@sdchamber.ie
Major Issues: Not surprisingly Covid-19 at 71.25% topped the list of major issues facing business with staff retention and recruitment next at 47.5%.
Business Growth: Had a positive outcome with 56.79% projecting medium to high growth for the year ahead.
Staff: Interestingly 35% see hybrid working as the main way their staff will be employed with 45% being primarily based in the workplace and 20% being primarily home based.
Financial: Utilities, energy, water, are causing real concern with 81% expecting an impact from increased costs, salaries was rated third, with 62.96% expecting increased costs.
To Grow Your Business: A reduction in energy and other utility costs was the most cited by 62.96% closely followed by the need to increase talent in the labour market seen by 46.05% as important to grow their business.
Something positive: 90.12% of respondents project their business will grow in 2022
Something Concerning: The impact on the cost of utilities such as electricity and fuel on businesses growth.
Our next survey will be coming out on the 12th April 2022.