Our Presidents first official duty occurred today where we were guests of Colm Brophy TD and had the opportunity of meeting with An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar TD.
At our AGM last week we were pleased to welcome Mairead Fleming as our 20th President. Mairead is the Managing Director of Ascension Executive Recruitment and looks forward to the opportunity of working with our members on the key issues impacting their business.
We also welcomed two new members onto the board of the Chamber Lisa Rowntree, CEO, ACE Enterprise Park and Danny Towell, Operations & Sales Director, iPing IT Services. At the AGM we were able to thank our outgoing President Eamonn P. Egan, Lloyds Country Manager. Eamonn served at a difficult time for us all with the lockdowns of Covid and the start of the energy crisis. Despite this Eamonn got to meet many members and engage in forums where he represented our member’s needs. Among the more pleasurable duties Eamonn performed were the signing of a Cooperative Agreement with Tampa Chamber (US) and presenting the Taoiseach with an outstanding Leadership Award in Government buildings. Eamonn remains fully involved in the Chamber in his new role as past president.
Larry Byrne CEO Roadstone concluded his time on our board, an active board member since his appointment in April 2014, Larry will be missed and wish him well with his future plans.