South Dublin Chamber has rounded off a very successful year with the annual Christmas lunch held in The Louis Fitzgerald Hotel and entertained by
Comedian Joe Rooney aka ‘Fr Damo’ in Father Ted.
Chamber President Thomas Stone acknowledged and made presentations to three members who were celebrating 50 Years in Business!
1. Impact Metals has been a member for 11 years.
2. PM Group who has been a member for 23 years.
3. Mc Hugh Components who have been a member for 29 years.
Chamber President Thomas Stone made two presentations to Board Members stepping down:
1. Larry Byrne formerly CEO of Roadstone, who has been a board member from April 2014 to May 2023.
2. Gerard O Reilly Partner Crowe Ireland, who has been a board member from April 2007 to December 2023
Peter Byrne CEO said: ‘There is so much to celebrate within the business community here in South Dublin County and it is important for us to ensure
That we recognise the commitment, dedication and achievement of the management and staff in all our businesses. A good time was had by all, as many members
Got to catch up, renew friendships and make new acquaintances and were entertained by Comedian Joe Rooney’.