
We launched today (11th November 2020) commissioned with Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Chamber an Economic Investment Report on how our counties can recover from COVID-19 and grow economically. We see this report as an important element in our campaign to ensure proper recognition of the growth potential of our two counties which surround our capital city.

This report was launched by our President Eamonn Egan and Brian Kirwan, President of Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Chamber.

This report is part of our response to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD’s call last week for views on the review of the National Development Plan. The National Development Plan 2018-2027 (NDP) sets out a 10-year programme of capital investment aimed at upgrading Ireland’s infrastructure, enhancing economic capacity and promoting balanced regional development.

In summary, the report calls for

  • Ensuring that the “Greater Dublin Region” does not get left behind in national investment towards recovery: There is much focus on recovering the regions and this is important too. But without recovering the main economic engine of Ireland – the Greater Dublin Region – the rest of the economy won’t recovery either. This means in practice that the region should get:
  • €3.3 billion of the €10 billion in public investment earmarked for 2021
  • 70,000 of 200,000 jobs promised in the Programme for Government
  • 17,000 of 50,000 new houses promised in the Programme for Government
  • A balanced inclusive recovery across Dublin: Recovery from our last crisis resulted in congestion, high house prices and long commutes. This time and for a resilient and pandemic free future, we need to bring recovery and jobs to local communities and avoid the over concentration of recovery in urban centres.
  • A greater voice for Greater Dublin in recovery and investment policy and planning
  • A greater voice for business in recover policy and policy generally.

Click here to read the report[download-attachment id=”3154″ title=”Economic Investment Report”]

Peter Byrne
South Dublin Chamber